Monday, March 5, 2012

Self publishing tip #3

Time to dive in to the social networking world.  Now before you turn off your computer and run as far from this post as you can get, hang in there with me for just a minute.

Social neworking started off as a dirty word for me since I wasn't familiar with the ins and outs (I'm still on a learning curve!), but I've picked up a very helpful piece of information over the months.  You do not have to join every single platform or network (few! Right?).  Just pick 1 to 3 that you can manage and build, and go with them.  The goal is to get your name and/or book(s) in front of as many eyes as possible, you decide how you'll do that.

Right now, I'm on FB, have this blog, I'm on LinkedIn, and I have my author pages with Amazon and Smashwords(of course).  That's it, and that's plenty.  In the future, as I get more savy about social networking, I may branch out, but for now, I'm good.

I have to add that, for me, LinkedIn has been a huge help in launching my FB author page and I plan to tap in to it for launching this blog.  The writing groups are wonderful with a lot of like minded (and like-situation) people to connect with who are willing to help you along, looking only for you to reciprocate. 

So, I suggest you get connected to LinkedIn and make your author FB page to begin.  I'm always open to questions. 

Until next time, happy social-networking!

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